Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The worldly pleasures and The real renunciation.

The degree of renunciation in the life is directly proportional to the possessions in life. Any person who is in short of possessions does not have any thing to renunciate from. The worldly pleasure and possessions play a very important role in life. They act as the tools for emancipation.

Same way like, any problem in life, acts as an opportunity to change and evolve for betterment, the attachments and materialistic possessions also create conditions for a man to think and contemplate within and finally start working for his liberation.

More a person attached to the worldly objects more is the possibility of pain and if this pain crosses the threshold limit, that person is bound to find out a way to solve the problem of miseries in life. Finally concluding after all sort of deductions that the real problem is within and not at all outside.

The Buddha, considered as the great renunciate of all times, had a lot and lot to leave behind. He lived his life lavishly with all possible pleasures and comforts. Living his life in such a condition, far far away from the miseries related to this life, for 29 yrs. Living the life of a prince, getting possibly everything what ever he wished.

Suddenly, after 29 yrs he meets the contradictions for his 29 yrs. He encounters the realities of life in the form of sickness, miseries, pain, old age, death etc and could not accept, what he was having and what he was living, as worthy as people consider them to live a Rightful life. So he renunciate.

It is inevitable to posses before an act of renunciate from them, and people forgets the next step to be taken when they feel pain in life.

People simply blame something apart from them or external factors responsible for the pain and move forward, finally forgetting it after sometime.

Those who had a Pause and Contemplated about the problem, after the strike of problem and deduced the causes within themselves have crosses the SEA OF MISERIES.

"Be Happy"


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Shabdon ki garibi...


What discouraged me from speaking my Mind out with friends and acquaintanceships was the shortness of words in expressing the real meaning of it. Sometimes I thought that, I, Myself is not efficient enough to express what i wish to say. but later i realised that it is not me who is failing but The words and their meaning.

Most of the time words refer to more than one meaning.

For example:
  • Watery eyes- tears
  • Waterways- Rivers/ Canals
  • Water is essential for life vs Her eyes were full of water.

This type u see, it is grammer.. and we dont see the commas

  • A superb and inexpensive restaurant. Fine food expertly served by waitresses in appetizing forms.
  • How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

and see these contradictions:

  • Actions speak louder than words. The pen is mightier than the sword.
  • Look before you leap. He who hesitates is lost.
  • Many hands make light work. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
  • Clothes make the man. Don't judge a book by its cover
  • The bigger, the better. The best things come in small packages.
  • Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Out of sight, out of mind.
  • What will be, will be. Life is what you make it.
  • The more, the merrier. Two's company; three's a crowd.
and again comas playing the role.

  • Woman, without her man, is a savage.
  • Women, without her, man is a savage.
Now who will explain these things in speech. People here dont understand pause and syllables.

Moreover this has been for lays. But this blog is for real hardcore meditators.

The real meaning is almost left untouched in spirituality.

The words like Chitta; Mann; deh; shareer; Samvedna can not be known unless experienced.

The words like Love; God; Moral; Ethics are highly subjective in nature.

  • If i say Clock speed. Any person will understand it as the speed of movement of clock's arms or Speed of time but it is the speed by which single operation is performed by the micro processor inside a computer.
The moral is that, we may be speaking or shouting the principles and concepts of this world but people will understand only and only what they already know.

I feel like keeping mum every time someone asks me questions. Moreover, i have started practicing doing so.

It is coincidental if a person understands your words exactly what you have intended. Specially for a person who is not like sheep but a lion.

"Be happy"


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Loosing the energy!

Now it comes to the part of losing the energy. This is going to interesting. Few people might have arguments against it but always remember, logic has it own limitation, science has it own limitation and evil always uses these tools for keeping the humans blindfolded.

Now coming to the energy loosing part. This is in continuation to the last post- Retaining the energy.
When ever I surrender to my senses, when ever I actually enjoy the sense-object conjunction, after going more inside myself I realized that I loose tremendous amount of energy.

This Loss of energy is creates the illusion of relaxation and removing tiredness but actually I am Loosing a type of energy which makes me dependable more on the such relaxations.

I'll try to be more clear. I enjoy Chilled aerated Cola on burning day or Hot chocolate Fudge, feeling it rolling down my throat creating tingling sensation on tongue finally leaving my mouth cavity cool. I feel relaxed and comfortable. Point to be noted- I feel relaxed after an electrical shock or after a sprint or orgasm etc. (these examples are for non-meditators, meditators know by experience that they r loosing energy then they r reacting.) When we loose Vital energy we feel relaxed and cozy. Going more deeper into the trap of sensual-ism.

I loose energy when I react on the sense-Object contact. And retain it when i'm equanimous.

You can try this everytime. You can have cola on a burning day and leave ur mouth cool without loosing out energy by keeping yourselves in equanimity.

It keeps you energetic and vital. After sometime, you will realize that the intake of food has reduced tremendously. Keeping yourself healthy when others are struggling.

I have realised this after wasting a hell lot of energy. People criticized me a lot,' Arre! you are a meditator, why are you not normal in your health, what type of meditator you are, why there is no equanimity regarding few pleasures?' I always kept the 'pragya' part persistently vigil and alive. Was difficulty to make people understand what was actually going inside me.

I feel i'll be able to practice equanimity on to deeper level after realizing this concept of energies.

Ha ha ha ha ha...! Still i dont know by what name this 'energy' is addressed. It must be having some technical name in spiritual world. Nevertheless, it will work exactly the way it should work.

Keep trying and Keep Experimenting because bloody this is your life and you are going to live it, it is you who feels the pain by mistake and it is you who feels peace with right acts.

So, never be a sheep but an Elephant!


Retaining the energy!

I have been analzing the concept of equanimity since the day one i was out from the 10 days camp.

Initially i laughed at it saying,' apagal hain kya? Poori zindagi yeh hi karte rahenge kya? '

Very Childish and quiet obvious also. The type of consistency and seriousness required is pretty nut cracking. Nevertheless, I have realized the attitude required for living my life in sync with natural laws.

Coming Back to the topic directly, i would like to share with u people that the concept of Equanimity in Vipassana is multi dimensional. It acts like a Cluster bomb, few of the fragments bursts when you dont expect them to.

Well, i know this thread is about Retaining the energy. I have recently realised that the process of maintaining equanimity actually increases the energy level in the body for progressing in Wisdom. The way Sheel is needed for meditation for increasing the energy level of certain kind, same way, maintaining equanimity every moment, mediating or not meditating, adds on to the energy level in the body.

The moment one looses equanimity, tends to exhaust a load of energy out, further creating weakness in maintaining the equanimity.

Same thing happens with sex. While having sex, at the time of orgasm, if a person practices to maintain equanimity, distinguishably notices that he has retained the energy even after having orgasm. Considering the fact that men tends to loose considerable amount of energy everytime they ejaculate contrary to this women gains energy everytime they experience orgasm. So, evrytime they make Love, women gains vitality and men looses.

I have tried to maintain my equanimity in other acts as well. What ever you do, where ever you do, if you are not equanimous then you r loosing energy every time you do it and when u r equanimous then you feel more and more vital.

It is all funda of Energies. My thoughts are energies, my samskars are energies, my memory is energy, my karma is energy.

From today itself, try experimenting every time u react, u shall feel some type of energy lost out of you and if u maintain equanimity then, u feel srtonger everytime.

All the very best!


Monday, September 20, 2010

The long jump of my life.

In meditation you withdraw from others and focus your attention inside to gain purity of mind and Dhamma energy.

Then you must become extroverted and use this energy.

When you take a long jump, you must first take some steps backward. Then you run, and make the jump. Like this, you first withdraw, observe yourself inside and get the energy. Then you make a long jump into society, to serve society.

These two steps cannot be separated."

(S.N. Goenka)

5 enemies of Mindfulness.

Hey guys if u wish to make yourself stable into the the constant observation of events occurring onto 5 skandhs follow this link:

This may be little technicale but you can very well give a try..!

Beginning of the quest.

Seriously guys i do not know it started. I found myself observing my each step and each thought coming into my mind science i remember the events occurring in my life. I initially thought that this phenomenon is common with everyone. All human beings feel same and same type of strange sensations take place into the body of every living being.

Still i remember the sensations which occurred in my body when i did my first stealing.

I remember when i ate my first chocolate and the sensations occurred in my body.

I remember the sensations which emerged onto my body when i entered operation theater.

I always kept note of few sensations which usually occurred on my body and very soon i started associating them with the events outside and mental thoughts.

I dont remember my age at that time, but i had particular sensation in my Johnson while peeing ;-) and i'm not joking :-)

The biggest achievement i feel was on the day when i started watching my fear. I have particular sensation for fear in myself.

Now noticing the sensations does not mean that i overcame the effect of those thoughts, but i was just an spectator. merely witnessing what ever is happening, totally unaware of what actually it is.

Even today i remember that day when i asked my self, "are yar yeh hota kya hai?" and as if i already had answer in my mind, i did not think over it again. Why i didnt think, i do not know.