Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Loosing the energy!

Now it comes to the part of losing the energy. This is going to interesting. Few people might have arguments against it but always remember, logic has it own limitation, science has it own limitation and evil always uses these tools for keeping the humans blindfolded.

Now coming to the energy loosing part. This is in continuation to the last post- Retaining the energy.
When ever I surrender to my senses, when ever I actually enjoy the sense-object conjunction, after going more inside myself I realized that I loose tremendous amount of energy.

This Loss of energy is creates the illusion of relaxation and removing tiredness but actually I am Loosing a type of energy which makes me dependable more on the such relaxations.

I'll try to be more clear. I enjoy Chilled aerated Cola on burning day or Hot chocolate Fudge, feeling it rolling down my throat creating tingling sensation on tongue finally leaving my mouth cavity cool. I feel relaxed and comfortable. Point to be noted- I feel relaxed after an electrical shock or after a sprint or orgasm etc. (these examples are for non-meditators, meditators know by experience that they r loosing energy then they r reacting.) When we loose Vital energy we feel relaxed and cozy. Going more deeper into the trap of sensual-ism.

I loose energy when I react on the sense-Object contact. And retain it when i'm equanimous.

You can try this everytime. You can have cola on a burning day and leave ur mouth cool without loosing out energy by keeping yourselves in equanimity.

It keeps you energetic and vital. After sometime, you will realize that the intake of food has reduced tremendously. Keeping yourself healthy when others are struggling.

I have realised this after wasting a hell lot of energy. People criticized me a lot,' Arre! you are a meditator, why are you not normal in your health, what type of meditator you are, why there is no equanimity regarding few pleasures?' I always kept the 'pragya' part persistently vigil and alive. Was difficulty to make people understand what was actually going inside me.

I feel i'll be able to practice equanimity on to deeper level after realizing this concept of energies.

Ha ha ha ha ha...! Still i dont know by what name this 'energy' is addressed. It must be having some technical name in spiritual world. Nevertheless, it will work exactly the way it should work.

Keep trying and Keep Experimenting because bloody this is your life and you are going to live it, it is you who feels the pain by mistake and it is you who feels peace with right acts.

So, never be a sheep but an Elephant!


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